Reception: 535-1800
Orders at risk assesment: 535-1800
Radiology , booking: 535-1876
The Icelandic Heart Association was founded in 1964. The IHA Research Institute began in 1967 a very broad epidemiological research project, the Reykjavik Study, where the focus was on identifying the main risk factors in cardiovascular diseases in Iceland. This research has been ongoing for over 40 years now and has involved more than 30,000 Icelanders. It has included a large number of new research projects, which have become the basis for expertise in Iceland on the main risk factors behind cardiovascular disease.
From the very beginning the Icelandic Heart Association has placed great emphasis on getting the results of its research across to the general public and people in the health sector.
In order to fulfill its educational role, the Icelandic Heart Association has published a series of information booklets on risk factors in coronary heart disease and published its Magazine for 38 years.
There is also the risk calculator which works out an individual’s risk of coronary heart disease over the next ten years.
The latest stage of the Reykjavik Study is the Age Gene/Environment Susceptibility study (AGES-Reykjavik Study).
The Icelandic Heart Association has many employees, bringing together a wide range of people with different educational backgrounds, who together conduct research as scientifically and accurately as possible. The Icelandic Heart Association employs doctors, biomedical scientists, biologists, radiographers, radiologists, nurses and others in a number of fields. The association’s employees work on a variety of projects, such as the AGES Reykjavik Study, risk assessment, laboratory research, medical imaging, administration, education, data processing, quality management, financial management and other collaborative projects in which the Icelandic Heart Association is involved.
The Icelandic Heart Association’s risk calculator estimates the probability of a coronary heart disease in the next 10 years. The risk estimate is based on data the Icelandic Heart Association has collected over the last 40 years. The risk calculator is comparable to the European risk calculator (SCORE, European Society of Cardiology). Measurements which gives a low risk in the calculator does not guarantee the user a low risk of getting a coronary heart disease since the risk estimate is only based on risk factors known today.
The results do not apply for individuals who have had coronary heart disease, bypass or PTCA.
If you have symptoms like chest pain and/or shortness of breath do not hesitate to seek help – 112 is the national emergency number.
If you would like to get a check-up for your heart you can make an appointment at The Icelandic Heart Center in +354 535 1800 or through the web
If you have any questions, concerns or feedback, don’t hesitate to contact us!
The Icelandic Heart Association (IHA) research center was established in 1967 and has conducted numerous studies. The Reykjavík Study is the largest study and many studies have been conducted on it. IHA has been in good collaboration with many organizations in its research, both here and abroad.
We are working on putting our publications online in English. Please check back soon for some exciting content.
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